Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015

3rd Period:  English Language Development

English:   Continue working on your chapter 2 grammar to prepare yourselves for your grammar test next Wednesday.

Read stories "Fish" and "Farms" (your homework for the last 2 nights.)

Practice poems-- call and response.

4th Period:  Language Arts

If you have not done so, finish reading the story The All-American Slurp by Leslie Namioka.

Answer the questions about the story.

If you have not finished your writing/reflection about the story, do so now.

Find China on the map.  What continent is it in?  What countries surround it?

Find the poem 'The Rose That Grew From Concrete" by Tupac Shakur.  Write it or copy it into a google doc.  Read the poem carefully and thoughtfully.  Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) about what the poem means to you.

5th Period:  Social Studies 

Silent AR reading.

Explore the first pages of your social studies textbook, Ancient Civilizations.  Answer these questions in google drive:

1. What does a physical map show?
2.  What does a political map show?
3. What are the world's major religions?
4.  Name the 7 continents and the 5 oceans on Earth.
5. Which countries are in Central America and The Caribbean?
6. On which continent is Egypt?
7. On which continent is The Netherlands?
8. Where is Indonesia?  Which countries/oceans are close to it?
9. Which continents have land with the highest elevation?
10.  Which countries do you think these high elevation areas are in?
11.  How did you find the information you used to answer question 10?

Please bookmark the sheppardsoftware site and my blog if you have not done so yet.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015

3rd Period:  English Language Development

English:   Continue working on your chapter 2 grammar to prepare yourselves for your grammar test next Wednesday.

Read stories "Fish" and "Farms" (your homework for the last 2 nights.)

Practice poems-- call and response.

4th Period:  Language Arts

I need to let you all know 2 things.
1. If you are eating in my class you will receive immediate detention.  I have asked that you not do this several times due to the mice problem we have at the school.

2. Using phones and tablets in class is a problem.  These things need to be put away during your time in my classes.  If you are using your phone or tablet without permission I will take them away and your parents will have to come and pick them up in the office.

Read the story The All-American Slurp by Leslie Namioka from your Language of Literature textbook.

Write a 1 page (at least 20 sentences) reflection on this story.  What is it about?  Did you find it interesting?  Why/why not?  What did it make you think about?

What you don't finish is homework.  It is due Monday .

You will have a test on this material next week.

5th Period:  Social Studies 

Silent AR reading.

Go to the sheppardsoftware site.  Find Africa and make a google doc with all of the African countries.

Please bookmark this site and my blog if you have not done so yet.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 2, 2015

3rd Period:  English Language Development

English:  Chapter 2 Vocabulary Test.  When you have finished, begin working on your chapter 2 grammar to prepare yourselves for your grammar test next Wednesday.

Read story "Fish" that was homework last night.

Practice poems-- call and response.

4th Period:  Language Arts

Read Sandra Cisneros' stories "Darius & the Clouds" (p.33) and "4 Skinny Trees" (p. 74) from The House on Mango Street.  Choose 1 more story from the book to read.
Write 1 paragraph about each story.  Did you like it?  What did it make you think about?  What made you choose the last story?

We will read these stories aloud in class after you have read them on your own.

If you have not finished the story of how you got your name, finish it today.  Make sure to include at least 4 paragraphs with 5 sentences each.

If you have not written about your family, make sure you finish that today and turn it in tomorrow.

5th Period:  Social Studies 

Silent AR reading.

Turn in your homework if you have not done so already -- writing about the Greek Myths you read last night.

Greek Myths:  read Zeus and His Family p. 16-27.

What you don't finish is homework.  You will write about this tomorrow.

Please bookmark the sheppardsoftware site and my blog if you have not done so yet.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1, 2015

3rd Period:  English Language Development

English:  Study chapter 2 vocabulary to prepare yourselves for your test tomorrow.

4th Period:  Language Arts

Read Sandra Cisneros' story "My Name" from The House on Mango Street.

Write the story of how you got your name.  What does it mean?  Who chose it?  Do you like it?  Do you wish you could change it?  If so, what would you like to change it to?

If you are not sure how you got your name, start your writing with the meaning of your name and ask your family tonight how and why they chose it for you.

5th Period:  Social Studies 

Silent AR reading 15 minutes.

Go to the sheppardsoftware site and find and explore Greece and the countries surrounding it.

Greek Myths:  read In Olden Times, Gaea, and The Titans (1st 3 stories).

Write about these myths using the Greek Myth story frame.

What you don't finish is homework.

Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015

English/Social Studies

English:  Study chapter 2 vocabulary for your test Wednesday.

AR books/quizzes

Social Studies book p. 7-13: What is Social Studies?


Mathlinks: finish writing the properties of addition and multiplication, finish p. 1, 2, 3.  Practice area model with blocks.

Science book- p. 1-13:  What is Science?

Ocean animal project--  include these things:
1.  common name
2.  scientific name
3.  diet (what does it eat?)
4.  habitat (where does it live?)
5.  reproduction (how does it have babies?)
6.  interesting fact (something interesting or unusual about this animal)

This is due Friday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

8:12-10:06 Social Studies/ English:  

English Groups.  Use your study guides to prepare for midterms this Thursday, April 2. These will cover everything we have studied so far in English (chapters 1-8).  

Social Studies:  Continue our study of The Renaissance: p. 132-147 in your Social Studies books.  When you have finished this, read and discuss p. 148-161.  

Reading Groups/Lexia at 9:30.  

10:22-12:13 Science/Math:    

Math:  Prime Factorization.  You have a test on this tomorrow. 

Science:  Continue our study of Matter: p. 162-177 in your Science books.  When you have finished this, read and discuss p. 178-191.  

April 2, 2015

8:12-10:06 Social Studies/ English:  

English Midterms.

Social Studies:  Continue our study of The Renaissance: p. 132-147 in your Social Studies books.  

10:22-12:13 Science/Math:    

Math:  Groups. Continue Fractions.

Science:  Continue our study of Matter: p. 162-191 in your Science books.